Saturday, November 9, 2013

Potatoe Soup

Thank You Kyle Thunker!!
The Machine Shed’s Potato Soup

2 ½ pounds red potatoes ½ pound bacon diced
1 yellow onion ¼ bunch celery
1 qrt water 2 oz chicken stock...
1 qrt water 1 tsp black pepper
1 ½ sticks butter 6 oz flour
1 c cream Polska Kilbasa

Boil potatoes in water 10 min. Saute bacon, onions & celery over med-high heat, drain grease. Add milk, chicken stock, pepper. Heat over med high heat until very hot. Do not boil. In large saucepan melt butter & add flour. Mix well & allow to boil for 1 min, while constantly stirring soup add flour/butter mixture slowly. Continue stirring until thick and creamy. Stir in potatoes and cream

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