Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mac and Cheese

2 8-oz. box of macaroni
1 can of evaporated milk
1 stick of butter,melted
3 eggs
4 cups shredded cheese,separated(I use a mixture of shredded sharp, extra sharp and Colby jack cheese but you can use whatever you like.)

Cook and drain macaroni according to package & season with salt & pepper to taste.
Spray crockpot with Pam and add macaroni.
Beat eggs and milk together.
Add melted butter and stir until blended.
Pour mixture over macaroni.
Add about 3 cups of shredded cheese and stir.
Place remaining 1 cups of cheese on top of macaroni.
Cook on low about 3 hours.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi,
    Tasty site, thanks! I don't cook but I do talk funny and it's free to listen: http://audioedmund.blogspot.com
    Signed, Edmund
